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Rail Freight Revolution: A Possible Solution to Europe's Clogged Roadways - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Experts in the transportation sector are excited about CargoBeamer, a new German transshipment technology designed to shift more truck freight to the railways. The innovative system could ease congestion on the roads and help the environment.

...The new technology is significantly different from other systems currently in use. Unlike the so-called "rolling highway" system, CargoBeamer doesn't involve placing entire trucks onto special flatcars. Nor are cranes used to reload the cargo, as in the "combined transport" system.

Instead, the tractor pulls the trailer onto a special steel palette and deposits it there. Gripper arms installed in the ground then pull the palette, complete with the trailer, sideways onto a freight car. The side plate of the freight car is then closed and the load is ready to be moved (see graphic).

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.
by DoDo on Fri Sep 10th, 2010 at 02:30:56 PM EST
[ Parent ]
This is far less revolutionary than they make it sound. Originally made for the France-Italy truck shuttle across Fréjus Tunnel, the similar Modalohr system has a rotating, rather than sideways shifting palette, thus not even neighbouring cars block each other during loading.

There are a couple of other, similar ideas.

Loading time and loading infrastructure are key to improve the attraction of intermodal transport. However, I think what will decide over the success of these new technologies is whether the robustness of the moving parts. These vehicles have moving parts and motors in them, all of which have the potential to break down; what's required is basically a guarantee of flawless operation during the first few thousand loadings.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Fri Sep 10th, 2010 at 04:01:15 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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