Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Just found an official site, the Inter-Planetary Union's, with an actualised list on women's participation in national assemblies. Their number for Germany seems to be an erroneous early number, and they messed up the ranking, but here is the corrected top 20 (second numbers are for upper houses, often unelected):

  1. Rwanda 48.8%/34.6%
  2. Sweden 45.3%
  3. Norway 37.9%
  4. Finland 37.5%
  5. Denmark 36.9%
  6. Netherlands 36.7%/29.3%
  7. Cuba 36.0%
  8. Spain 36.0%/23.2%
  9. Germany 35.2%/18.8%
  10. Costa Rica 32.8%
  11. Mozambique 34.8%
  12. Belgium 34.7%/38.0%
  13. Austria 33.9%/27.4%
  14. Argentina 33.7%/33.3%
  15. South Africa 32.8%/33.3%
  16. New Zealand 32.2%
  17. Iraq 31.5%
  18. Guyana 30.8%
  19. Burundi 30.5%/32.7%
  20. Iceland 30.2%


79th USA 15.2%/14.0%
95th France 12.2%/16.9%
130-131th Hungary (+1 other) 9.1%

9 countries have zero women, most of them not Islamic but small Pacific/Carribean island countries...

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Thu Oct 13th, 2005 at 04:15:47 PM EST

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