Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Thanks for looking into this.

So it would seem as though these lower percentages may well represent a slightly more accurate picture regarding the willingness of German voters to actually vote for a female candidate for a specific seat.  Of course, what isn't clear is how many of the women who won direct election did so in districts where they ran against men, versus ones where they were running against another woman (as their principal opponent).  That would obviously require looking at each constituency and would be enormously time-consuming.

Still, it does somewhat surprise me that the CDU, conservative though it may be, had such a low percentage of women on its list.  I would have guessed that in this day and age, a figure closer to 40% would have been expected.

by The Maven on Tue Oct 18th, 2005 at 11:36:47 AM EST
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