Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
In the netherlands, everyone gets AOW (general payment for seniors) when they're 65. This is an substantial sum- supposedly enough to live on when you live cheap. But many, many people have private pensions as well (AOW is for everyone and is paid by the working population- it's getting more expensive as the babyboom generation is about to retire).

People with private pensions(the pension company is different for every sector)- this is about everyone- could stop working at 56 in some cases, though this is now being debated in the collective trade agreements. Almost every higher educated person can retire at about 60 without problem, but they get less pension than when they retire at 65 of course.

When you're 65, you're automatically discharged by the way. This way young people are protected from overachieving seniors :)

I'm not sure about low-paying jobs, but I know that people with intensive jobs, like firemen, are allowed to retire young (this makes sense, since firemen generally only live to see their 62nd year).

This is the dutch situation, in a nutshell. I should add that all the costs are covered, companies cannot raid their pension funds, and there is no crisis looming like in other EU countries.

by koenzel (koen@vanschie.net) on Thu Oct 27th, 2005 at 06:34:16 PM EST
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