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She did campaign for the "oui".
by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Mon Oct 3rd, 2005 at 04:23:37 PM EST
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What do you mean with that afew? Is it to indicate what you feel is her political stance on Europe? I don't know your personal opinion on the European Constitution, nor did I see any Snark Technology, so I can't make heads or tails from your comment.

And, if I may say so, the European Constitution could (can) be explained in so many ways that anyone could righteously vote against it or for it - and still be a formidable candidate... Politically seen, the European Constitution meant for France a steadier hold on controlling European affairs. On the other side, accepting the Constitution would sacrifice a number of dearly cherished French privileges. So voting both yes and no would give a politician credit - in my mind. That, in a very, very brief is how I remember the analysis for France's position during the run-up to the referendum.

Care to enlighten?

by Nomad (Bjinse) on Mon Oct 3rd, 2005 at 07:25:18 PM EST
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My comment was a brief reply to Jérôme's above, where he said he thought she was in favour of the "oui" during the referendum campaign. I was simply confirming that he was right -- Royal did, as a matter of fact, support the "oui".

(I don't know how you set your preferences, but you can have the comments threaded so it's easy to see what is a reply to someone else's comment).

As to the referendum, I think (don't want to force Jérôme's hand on this) that he and I agree that Socialist leaders (essentially Fabius) who campaigned for the "non" were motivated by personal ambition alone, and did a great deal of harm by using demagogy to divide the left. He (again, disclaimer, he's free to set the record straight if I'm wrong) and I are more favourable to PS leaders who were on the "oui" side. Personally, I wouldn't support a "non" candidate like Fabius.

Hope that makes it clearer.

by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Tue Oct 4th, 2005 at 01:38:35 AM EST
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