Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Just to give you more info, I looked up the official election result (for 2002 too) in your election district (Märkischer Kreis II, not the most lefty in NRW):

Participation: 76.5% (2002 -2.4 percentage points)
Invalid: 1.3% on list votes, 1.5% on direct votes (both +.1)

Zweitstimmen (list votes; all above 1%):

  • SPD (Social Democrats) 39.8% (-3.3)
  • CDU (Christian Democrats) 36.8% (-0.2)
  • FDP (Free Democrats, market-liberals) 9.5% (+0.2)
  • Grüne (Greens) 5.2% (-0.8)
  • Die Linke (Left Party, hard left) 5.2% (2002 PDS +4.3)
  • NPD (National Democrats, far-right) 1.2 (+0.7) [another far-right, the Schill party, went from 1.4% to zero]

Erststimmen (direct candidate vote, all):

  • SPD (Dagmar Freitag) 47.5% (-2.2)
  • CDU (Thomas Gemke) 41.1% (+2.4)
  • FDP (Jochen Lipproß) 3.8 (-2.1)
  • Grüne (Bärbel Keiderling) 2.1 (-0.7)
  • Die Linke (Karsten Renfordt) 4.1% (2002 PDS +3.3)
  • NPD (Timo Pradel) 1.5 (+0.7)

BTW, I wonder how you manage so far that the decimal and millenal numerical signs are just the opposite outside the Anglo-Saxon sphere (say, €100.000.000,00 instead of your $100,000,000.00) :-)

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Wed Nov 2nd, 2005 at 03:42:07 PM EST
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