Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I just arrived back in Germany last week from the US, this time for good.  Since I'm getting married I will take a German citizenship.  This is a great post since I'm trying to get a handle on German politics.  So my question is this: can anyone direct me to political party as I wish to get involved in the political process of my new country.  I thought about the SPD but my impression is that they have the same problem as our Democrats, they've become too centered.  I've also thought about the PDS, Wahl Alternative, and Bundis Links.  Since I am in NRW, some of these parties seem very local.

Any advice and pros & cons of the parties from anyone in the know would greatly be appreciated.

"Schiller sprach zu Goethe, Steck in dem Arsch die Flöte! Goethe sagte zu Schiller, Mein Arsch ist kein Triller!"

by Jeffersonian Democrat (rzg6f@virginia.edu) on Wed Nov 2nd, 2005 at 12:50:37 PM EST

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