Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Where do you live in North Rhine - Westfalia? I'm originally from the Ruhrgebiet which is considered the heart chamber of the German social - democracy. The SPD has a great tradition in NRW and is present in literally every street, every association, club and - of course - every pub. Your membership would be highly appreciated and the party structure offers a wide range of political topics on which you can become actively involved. Are you not yet 35 years old? Then you would be automatically part of the Young Socialists too. Why don't you get in contact with your local SPD branch, it is just around the next street corner. Talk to them and go to some meeting, or better still ask them about the ongoing work of specific committees. The SPD has made a great comeback at the last elections. I cannot help it but the DKP guys have always had the stint of political zealots, of dogmatists. The PDS is not much different. They are a fringe party. If you want to see things happen and be part of it - enter the SPD. And don't worry about not finding enough left wingers. Be ready for a surprise. The party is full of it. What makes this even more interesting is that we govern most of the cities and counties and the SPD is again the biggest party in NRW.  

"The USA appears destined by fate to plague America with misery in the name of liberty." Simon Bolivar, Caracas, 1819
by Ritter on Wed Nov 2nd, 2005 at 01:37:40 PM EST
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