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The poll was conducted by pollster MEDIAN (link in Hungarian).

On what to do about privatisation, 54% said let's stop further privatisation but let it be with what was already privatised, 27% want to revoke earlier privatisations, and just 9% want to forge ahead with what was left (hospitals, railways, postal service and some more).

However, that 54% for the status quo doesn't necessarily like the fact of privatisation, many probably just think undoing it would be too big a mess and open to further corruption - only that explains the very low numbers in the bar-graph below (which I prepared myself):

Image hosted by PicsPlace.to

Note: of the two earlier polls given for comparison, 1995 was the year of the Hungarian austerity programme, which pushed as many beyond the poverty line as the three years of IMF-prescribed recession during the last communist and first elected government. So where you see a rebound, what is of note is how small that rebound was.

Finally, the poll also asked people about a number of companies, testing whether people know which are still majority State-owned, owned by a domestic investor, or foreign-owned. Many people tipped wrong.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Wed Nov 2nd, 2005 at 06:31:27 AM EST

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