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> I think the old guard has long moved to the "peace at a very high price"

at a very high price to the palestinians, you probably mean. since we are discussing semantics here, what i mean is a peace which reflects the intentions expressed in the 60 or so UN resolutions regarding Palestine and the jewish occupation. i more or less regard the implementation of these resolutions as basis for a just peace.

a so-called "peace" in which the palestinians are made to emigrate because of economic conditions - genocide by any definition of the word - or where they are reduced to live forever in dependency of economic aid, or where their lands are converted to open-air concentration camps surrounded by a wall and infested with extremist jewish criminals, that is not peace.

the jews of palestine have shown in the 60 or so years of the existence of israel that they have no will to make peace under fair and equitable conditions. what they want at any price is the kind of "peace" about which DoDo speaks, which is implemented with the help of genocide, mass murder, wholesale brutality (remember milosevic and the kosovo ?). this is no wonder in a country where children learn at the age of 2 that arabs are dogs.

instead of supporting such a country, we should give them the milosevic treatment.

by name (name@spammez_moi_sivouplait.org) on Tue Nov 22nd, 2005 at 10:55:57 AM EST
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