Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I've seen figures in a poll conducted about two yars ago that straight out posed the question: "would you leave if you were fully compensated?" and the results were that just over 80% of all Israeli settlers said "Yes."

If this is the assumption Peretz is making, it's in fact beyond brilliant. Because now, the radicals would have to follow majority rule which is against their own demographic designsr. He's using their strategy against them.

You see, there aren't enough radicals, thankfully. They show up at the very beginning when an "outpost" is founded. They do all the hard grunt work, financing, legal processes, etc. of establishing the settlement and then they rely on generous Israeli government subsidies (which used to flow like a river of milk and honey) to lure economic migrants, a lot of whom have been apolitical immigrants from Eastern Europe, Russia and central Asia.

Once that gets done, they move on to the next settlement. They do try to spread themselves so that they maintain ideological influence in every settlement, which is why they never can form a majority in any major settlement.

My guess is that, at this very moment, they are doing their best to find new outpost with small, radical populations that could form a majority and at the same time put out a serious call for their mainland Israelis to move over to the settlements. At the very least, this will have a huge impact on their immigrant-importing operations.

"Political Violence is a perfectly legitimate answer to the persecution handed down by the dignitaries of the state." -Riven Turnbull

by florida democrat on Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 01:47:40 AM EST
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