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I'd imagine the SGP would fit in there as well :-) Not the ChristenUnie, though, they're far too socially-minded.
by Frank (wijsneus-aht-gmail-doht-com) on Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 04:07:20 AM EST
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Spot on. If Pat Robertson and the sorts would create their own party, he could practically copy the SGP's political agenda point for point.
by Nomad (Bjinse) on Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 05:52:23 AM EST
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The SGP is only very conservative on social issues. But they do care about the enviroment and people, as god's children have received dominion over the earth and have to care for it.

But you're right, I forgot the SGP.

by koenzel (koen@vanschie.net) on Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 05:55:57 AM EST
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