Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
See link in my diary on EU referendum Major defeat for PM Balkenende and an analysis.

I'm probably an advocate of real politik, more centrist in Dutch political spectrum.  In U.S. this would be equivalent to the left wing of the Democratic party. The cabinet to run government in The Netherlands will always be formed by a coalition of parties. When party dogmas are involved it will be hard to govern, see the seventies under PM Joop den Uijl - dutch. Most likely he became PM a decade too late, as his party PvdA and the Labor Unions NVV-NKV-CNV did not adjust to changing economic conditions and spend money ill mannered. Under PM Den Uijl the WAO disability coverage was used to dump employees who lost their job and above 55 years of age were difficult to be re-employed.

Some points of concern to all parties --

  • Solidarity in Dutch society and good coverage of Medical Insurance, Disability Support and Basic Pension for all.
  • Need to make cost savings in running goverment - national, provincial and in local city administrations.
  • Need to downsize government into an efficient organization, cut all red tape and many formal regulations should be scrapped no one can oversee.
  • Re-organize the provinces to eliminate historic boundaries into new settings according to 21th century economic entities with supporting logistics of roads, expressways and public transportation.
  • Keep important public utilities in semi-government hands: electricity, gas and water distribution. Public transportation should deliver high standard to keep individuals out of their cars for easy short-distance travel near metropoles.
  • De-centralize city government into administrations by smaller districts of 75-100k residents. See my diary U.S. embassy moves.
  • Eliminate members in parliament from 150 down to 100 seats and increase their income by 50%. Prefer quality above quantity.
  • Government should not run up expenses and national debt like Wim Kok under Paars II at the end of economic growth cycle.
  • Adjust pension to an age that commensurates with type of labor. Heavy manual labor or combination of physical and mental strain in job could choose pension at lower age than 65, others willing to be employed at an later age than 65 should receive some benefit. Choice is to the individual, not dogmatic, but make it flexible to one's possibilities.
  • Immigration and Asylum Policy should be completely reviewed and renewed within European Union.

CPB Macro Economic Outlook

In the end before next election 2007, the Dutch economy and employment will be an indicator how the votes will be cast. Dutch media is biased toward the parties on the Left, some exceptions are national daily newspaper De Telegraaf and weekly Elseviers Magazine, which clearly support the right-wing party VVD.

"Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason."

▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Nov 21st, 2005 at 06:22:08 PM EST
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