Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
As the Le Monde piece you quote, most middle class folks move out of these neighborhoods when they can (except for Jerome's aunt :-)

So in that respect, many (but not all) of these cities are turning into some kind of ghettos, but these are primarily social class and income level ghettos, not (that's maybe what Jerome meant) ethnically defined ghettos. Even though arabs and blacks are over-represented among the rioters, the most defining characteristics are the ever growing poverty, despair and lack of prospects (especially job prospects) and most of all a general ostracism in the rest of French society.

Even the few of them who manage to get college degrees still face employment discrimination because they come from a "cité", whether they're black, brown or white.

Just heard on TV: a cartoon in one of tomorrow's papers shows Sarkosy (himself a son of immigrants) issuing a travel advisory: French citizens are urged to avoid "travelling" to the banlieues... Sure looks like a foreign country to the ruling class.

BTW, Marek: Sarkozy is said to take model on Rudy Gulliani and his law & order policy in NYC. If you live there, can you share your thoughts on that. Thanks.

by Bernard (bernard) on Sun Nov 6th, 2005 at 04:07:50 PM EST
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