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Giuliani did two good things in his eight years as mayor - reducing crime in his first term

Make that one. Reducing crime could be much more strongly connected to the police boss, William J. Bratton, whom Giuliani fired for fear that he'll take the spotlight. Then the original zero-tolerance method (which Bratton started before Giuliani named him NYC police chief, on the subways) was converted to just being tough.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Mon Nov 7th, 2005 at 04:30:34 AM EST
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He took an experimental small pilot program and chose to expand it citywide by appointing Bratton as commissioner.  He then indeed fired Bratton out of jealousy over media attention. I think that a mayor should get credit for selecting strategies and competent people to implement them. Giuliani IMO is just as entitled to praise for Bratton as Bush is rightly blamed for Brown and the rest of his incompetent appointees and chosen strategies.
by MarekNYC on Mon Nov 7th, 2005 at 03:47:17 PM EST
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