Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
time news coverage of Hurricane Katrina?  When we heard things like
10,000 dead bodies would be found when the waters were pumped out of NO.
But of course it will take years to drain the water.
Hundreds are being raped in the Superdome.
It's all a plot to mistreat the poor and black by the American government, who of course are neocons intent on restarting the class war.
etc, etc, etc.
Or do you think the news coverage and criticisms of American during the largest natural disaster (certainly one of, due to the level 4/5 hurricane hitting a city built under sea level, surrounded by the ocean, a huge lake and the Mississippi) was totally reasonable and accurate, while the news coverage of France's troubles is foolish and ignorant?  Is unfair in the eyes of the beholder?

Ah, but how foolish I am!!  I forgot that I asked a similar question earlier on was put straight with the following insightful analysis:

Well, the comparison with Katrina is certainly not appropriate. Hundreds died or were left to cope on their own for days; government was spectacularly ineffective.
Here, you have car fires, which are talked about more than usual, but do not seem to be happening that much more than usual, you had a few malicious fires, and skirmishes between gangs and the police, with a lot of focus from a lot of TV and media.

A few burning cars at night and a few kids throwing rocks make for good TV, but how that leads to gleeful talk about France's multiple failures is an interesting phenomenon on its own.

To me, this is a spectacular political blunder by both Sarkozy and Villepin, which put the spotlight on some real problems, not a crisis.

In the long run, we're all dead. John Maynard Keynes

Sorry, I don't know what came over me, to make such a stupid comment in this same vein again.
by wchurchill on Tue Nov 8th, 2005 at 12:19:18 PM EST

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