Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Oops!  You're right.  Chile is a really conservative country.  If you realize the extent that they were a weird sandbox for neoliberal economists, you can understand how deeply to the Right they are.  

And my European friends, plenty of European corporations have done nasty things in Latin america as well.

I think on the the right wing candidates is related to Jose Pinera, the arhitect of Chile's pension privatization, and for the last few years resident at  Washington's Cato instiute trying to sell the idea of pension privatization in the world's largest economy.

And I'll give my consent to any government that does not deny a man a living wage-Billy Bragg

by ManfromMiddletown (manfrommiddletown at lycos dot com) on Sat Dec 10th, 2005 at 08:54:24 PM EST
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