Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
In the whole time of its existence, the Weimar Republic suffered from its right-wing, undemocratic personnell in its legal system. The phrase most commonly used to describe this is that its justice was "blind on the right eye".

Here are some numbers:

Political Murders 1919-1922

.                              Leftist murders  Rightist Murders
Total number of murders              22                354
Murders unavenged                     4                326
Convictions                          38                 24
Releases of murderers confessed       -                 23
Average sentence per murder          15 years            4 Months
Executions                           10                  -

Taken from: Heinz Dieter Schmid (Ed.), Fragen an die Geschichte, Band 4, Frankfurt am Main (4)1984, S. 31.

The failure of the Weimar Republic was to a large part owed to the fact that many of its elites were conservatives and/or political right-wingers who wanted to get rid of democratic procedures rather today than tomorrow. The new democratic forces, first of all the Social Democrats, were unable to change the personnell of the legal and beaurocratic system (exception: Prussia, where they had at least some success). The result was a right-leaning state that put away many obstacles which could have hampered the radical-right's arrogation of power.

I still can not see what this could have to do with today's terrorism, the CIA and torture...

by Saturday (geckes(at)gmx.net) on Mon Dec 12th, 2005 at 04:27:04 PM EST
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Please consider turning this into a historical diary - quite independent from Herr Köppel's appeasement rhetoric, this is great stuff!

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.
by DoDo on Mon Dec 12th, 2005 at 04:44:51 PM EST
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already thought about that. But it might take some time to compile all the data and stuff (currently, I am searching for the numbers for 1930-1933 when political violence was especially virulent).

Might be that I don't get around to posting it until christmas. Because I will be kind of buried in work for the next 10 days (ironically, my current work has something to do with the subject: I'm compiling a catalogue of documentary films and newsreels from 1918-1933 with footage about Weimar politics and politicians).

by Saturday (geckes(at)gmx.net) on Mon Dec 12th, 2005 at 05:39:49 PM EST
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Does this include Brecht's film "Kuhle Wampe"? Or was that a "faux documentary"?  In any event, i'd love to get a copy of your catalogue when it's finished.

Dialog International
by DowneastDem (david.vickrey (at) post.harvard.edu) on Mon Dec 12th, 2005 at 09:28:30 PM EST
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if everything works out all right, it will be online by February.

But the catalogue is only about documentaries and newsreels. I counted "Kuhle Wampe" as feature film (although it has some documentary footage). I would not call it a "faux documentary". It is the style of Socialist Realism that makes the film partly look like a documentary.

by Saturday (geckes(at)gmx.net) on Tue Dec 13th, 2005 at 02:15:45 AM EST
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