Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

World's longest tunnel to provide fillip for Switzerland's skiers

A skiers' paradise could become a rail travellers' headache after the Swiss government last week offered its support for a huge new railway station deep below the Alps.

The proposed Porta Alpina beneath the Gotthard massif would allow travellers from Zurich or Milan to reach the heart of the mountains in just 50 minutes.

That is less than half current journey times and infinitely more convenient, as the station would be within skiing distance of resorts such as Andermatt in central Switzerland.

"It would be fantastic for us and neighbouring resorts", said Urs Elmiger, head of administration at Andermatt's cable car company. "People could get out of the train, snap on their skis and be here in minutes."

But the project has aroused mixed feelings among backers of Switzerland's SFr16bn (€10.3bn, $12.3bn, £7bn) trans-alpine rail projects. Railway officials decline to express themselves publicly. But most believe that stopping trains to serve a small interest group is hard to justify when spending billions to slash intercity journey times.

Switzerland is building two new tunnels under the Alps to accelerate travel between northern and southern Europe and, it is hoped, take trucks off the roads.

The first link, the 35km Lötschberg tunnel, should be opened by December 2007, easing congestion in the western Alps by reducing pressure on the current, much shorter tunnel.

Eight years later, the Lötschberg will be overshadowed by the new Gotthard link. The 57km tunnel, 3km longer that Japan's Sei-kan tunnel, currently the world's longest, is being dug from four different points to speed construction times.

The project is overwhelming from every angle. At Bodio, in Italian-speaking Switzerland, one of the world's biggest boring machines is inching its way forward in sweltering temperatures close to the mountain's core. "This is one of the world's most exciting projects", said Albert Schmid, German site manager. For safety, the tunnel will have two emergency stations deep inside the Alps.

The cavernous stops, cathedrals inside the mountain, will have full length platforms and even allow trains to change tracks between the single bore tunnels.

Since its inception, regional politicians have pressed for one of the emergency stations to be transformed into a commercial stop - called the Porta Alpina.

Doing so will involve only an additional SFr50m in spending, to convert to passenger use the 800m deep lift shaft that has been excavated to provide access for construction workers.

After a two-minute journey, the 80 travellers in each lift car will be able to alight at the mountain top near the ski resort of Sedrun, snap on their skis, and be off.

Moritz Leuenberger, Switzerland's transport minister, said the scheme would be a huge boost to regional development.

"But it's not meant to be a way of encouraging day trippers from Milan to pick loads of mushrooms in our valleys", he said.

The Swiss policy of forcing trucks to cross their country on trains only (and backing it up by building the requisite infrastructure) is a great example of forward thinking and responsible policies. Maybe our Swiss residents can comment on this...

In the long run, we're all dead. John Maynard Keynes

by Jerome a Paris (etg@eurotrib.com) on Mon Jul 4th, 2005 at 06:13:25 AM EST
Hmm...will it create jobs? The youth of Switzerland desperately need the government to invest in job creation...

"Once in awhile we get shown the light, in the strangest of places, if we look at it right" - Hunter/Garcia
by whataboutbob on Mon Jul 4th, 2005 at 06:19:04 AM EST
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Yep, Swiss voters reinforced this policy (even against the government) on several referendums. The greatest victory was the Avanti proposal - when the road-building lobby prepared a proposal to kick-start highway construction through the Alps again, and the government's counter-proposal was actually more of the same, but Swiss voters rejected both.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.
by DoDo on Mon Jul 4th, 2005 at 07:50:15 AM EST
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Light at end of tunnel for subterranean station

I haven't heard to much about it up to now. My guess even if the Bundesrat gives it's okay there will be referendums from environmentalist. It sounds like a fantastic idea. However some mountains are already suffering because of tourism and skiing, so maybe we have to see the feasability study first.

by Fran on Mon Jul 4th, 2005 at 07:56:16 AM EST
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Since knowing the details of this has to do with my job, let me vent professional anger at some rather minor erroneous details.

the Swiss government last week offered its support for a huge new railway station deep below the Alps.

It's not huge at all, it is just a stopping place, like a metro station but longer. It is not its size that makes it expensive - but, as can be gleaned from later parts of the article, the 800m lift and other stuff needed for regular rather than emergency operation (such as: strong air conditioning [it's hot down there], a small railway to take passengers from the lift's upper station 1.5km inside the mountain to the open, extra safety measures).

But most believe that stopping trains to serve a small interest group is hard to justify when spending billions to slash intercity journey times.

The reason railroaders aren't keen of the project, beyond the lack of profitability, is that a train stopping in the middle of a tunnel means less capacity (the next train must start later) and increased danger of collisions. (Due to the already given geometry of the emergency station - its tunnels have already been bored -, the stopping train would also block the track-changing part.)

At Bodio, in Italian-speaking Switzerland, one of the world's biggest boring machines

First, it is two TBMs, not one. As for one of the biggest, may be right if they mean the total length of the tunnel-boring and concrete-pouring and tunnel-fitting parts. But, second, the boring machine itself is comparatively small: the shield is just 8.83m in diameter. Compare it to the 12.33m TBM of a smaller, 10km tunnel on the northern end of the new Gotthard line that was recently put into service, or the 14.87m of the TBM that bored a Groene Hart tunnel on the Amsterdam to Antwerp high-speed railway. Third, the two other TBMs boring the second-from-North section are bigger than those at Bodio in all dimensions (443m long with trailers, 9.58m shild diameter).

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Mon Jul 4th, 2005 at 08:22:17 AM EST
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Thanks for the clarification. That machine sounds a little those fishing stories. With every re-telling the fish gets a few inches bigger.

Even though the Bundesrat sounds to be open to this project, I am not yet convinced that it actually will happen.

by Fran on Mon Jul 4th, 2005 at 08:37:07 AM EST
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To counterbalance the railroaders' counter-arguments, I sublit that the project could be a net benefit, if not for SBB then for Switzerland, through the "whoa!" factor.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.
by DoDo on Mon Jul 4th, 2005 at 03:50:26 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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