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Der Spiegel On-line June 6, 2005-- The Bin Laden family disowned black sheep Osama in 1994. But have they really broken with the mega-terrorist? Recently revealed classified documents seem to suggest otherwise. Osama's violent career has been made possible in part by the generosity of his family -- and by his contacts with the Saudi royals.

In early spring 2002, American intelligence agents tipped off authorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina that something wasn't quite right with the "Benevolence International Foundation." Their reaction was swift, special forces stormed eight offices of the Islamic foundation in Sarajevo and in Zenica. They found weapons and explosives, videos and flyers calling for holy war. More importantly, however, they discovered a computer with a mysterious file entitled "Tarich Osama" -- Arabic for "Osama's Story".  

AP - Al-Qaida has supporters the world over.

AFP - Despite a worldwide manhunt and an assault on Tora Bora
in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden has managed to evade capture.

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'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Tue Jul 5th, 2005 at 05:33:42 PM EST

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