Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Cobbled together from here,   here,  
and here:

Year    left    arrived    net
1989:    -388400    5100    -383300
1990:    -395343    36200    -359143
1991:    -249743    80267    -169476
1992:    -199170    111345    -87825
1993:    -172386    119100    -53286
1994:    -163034    135774    -27260
1995:    -168336    143063    -25273
1996:    -166007    151973    -14034
1997:    -167789    157348    -10441
1998:    -182478    151750    -30728
1999:    -195530    151943    -43587
2000:    -214456    153179    -61277
2001:    -192002    94441    -97561
2002:    -176700    95876    -80824
2003:    -155385    97035    -58350
2004:    no data yet
all:    -3186759 1684394 -1502365

So it must be over 3.3 million by now.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Fri Aug 12th, 2005 at 07:18:41 AM EST
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