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right, but the kind of problems you had in Florida, is just one set of problems you can have. We have just a completely different kind of problem at hand right now. As to wether the result reflects the will of the voters, yes most probably, but then in this case not. Or let's say it reflects that the voters themselves don't know exactly what they want.

But I think no voter intended to create a situation which is not clear, they hoped for a either a black-yellow take-over or for continuation of red-green, I guess. The fact that the vote ended up to create a situation that seems to indicate that neither of the two solutions is wanted without replacing them with a new clear-cut coalition is a problem.

You simply don't know, if the voters would rather have a black-yellow-green coaltion under Merkel or a grand coalition under Merkel or Schroeder or a red-green-yellow coalition under Schroeder.

So, what is the will of the voter? It's not clear. That's the problem.

by mimi on Mon Sep 19th, 2005 at 08:26:19 AM EST
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