Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I see that is your second comment in which you say that Lafontaine is "NPD lite". I have not followed the whole circumstances that lead to the split from the SPD and the creation of the Linkspartei with PDS, but can you back up your claim that he is "NPD lite" with a link or any article that would shed some light on it?


by mimi on Mon Sep 19th, 2005 at 04:08:05 PM EST
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that lead to the split ... should read that has lead to the split.
by mimi on Mon Sep 19th, 2005 at 04:08:50 PM EST
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Oskar Haider
Or why I find Lafontaine sickening.
by MarekNYC on Mon Sep 19th, 2005 at 04:30:50 PM EST
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Wow, thanks. That was an even better eye-opener than the Spiegel report I found.

Laws regarding citizenship and nationality are based on ethnicity in Germany, and thus immigration policies become racist, too. Nevertheless, if you look how much even immigrants, who are "ethnically correct Germans, i.e. "Auslandsdeutsche" with German anchestors like "Russian" Germans, are discriminated against in Germany today, rhetoric used by Lafontaine is unforgivable. I got a very distinct taste of that kind of resentments against even the "true white German-anchestry immigrants" on my last two trips to Germany in my hometown, so it's not just racist against the non-white immigrants, it's against immigrants, plain and simple. I wonder how LaFontaine could have sunken to deeply so cheaply. Originally he might just have been concerned with true economic issues. Oh well, here goes the neighborhood.

by mimi on Mon Sep 19th, 2005 at 05:15:17 PM EST
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