Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
In essence, yes, I'm saying this will remedy itself, based upon the nature of the market.  Retail is not an inherently monopolistic sort of market -- hence my statement, "Someone will build a better mousetrap."  The long-run concentration of power is dependent upon the nature of the market.  In (say) the operating systems market, the need to have a standard trumps prices, since businesses have to be able to communicate properly.  Ergo, Microsoft can maintain its near-monopoly power.

(I submit to you that it is a mistake, on Microsoft's part, to engage Apple in the office applications market, because it makes the problem of moving to the Mac operating system less severe -- thus allowing the possibility of the "pros" outweighing the "cons".  But Bill Gates has covered his ass, here, in that he has invested a great deal in Apple.)

On the other hand, there is no such need in retail.  If you can produce better clothes (or prescriptions, or tools, or whatever) at lower prices -- and someone will -- you can beat Wal-Mart.  True, it will take an enormous level of investment and one hell of a commitment, but it can, and will, be done.  I'll place a gentlemen's bet with you that, ten or twenty years from now, Wal-Mart will not dominate the market.

Be nice to America. Or we'll bring democracy to your country.

by Drew J Jones (pedobear@pennstatefootball.com) on Tue Jan 24th, 2006 at 07:21:54 PM EST
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