Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
You're among the elite.  If you have a genuine interest in finding out what the state of things is for the majority in this country -- do your own fucking research.  The fact that Wal-mart workers get shitty treatment isn't really in dispute by anyone but assholes.  I'm not going to argue about it. .....This is ridiculous.  Look at the four pages of fucking sources at the end of the report.
I think this falls into the category of Dodo rules on when one does not need to reply,,,I'm so tempted to respond to these points (it's just so hard to not say that I worked in retail in the '60's and '70's--shut my mouth--I should do my own research, like I don't know Walmart and have friends that work and shop there, being the elite that I am),,,,but I'll let my initial comments stand.
by wchurchill on Wed Jan 25th, 2006 at 09:54:37 PM EST
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