Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Yes, this is a very interesting discussion.

It is extremely difficult to separate the issues of monopoly, globalization, business ethics, small town economic problems, and worker's rights, in the context of WalMart. On one hand there is a visceral hatred of WalMart because it is mostly utilized by low class fat rednecks and is run by a bunch of unethical Arkansas monopolists, and on the other hand there's a fundamental belief among many Americans that capitalistic business operating under reasonable government regulation is the best way to run a country.

The biggest problem I have with the discussion is that in my personal very limited experience, I have not see WalMart ruin small businesses. On the contrary, the traffic pulled in by these big box stores (Home Depot is another example) seems to result in a surrounding halo of small specialist shops--restaurants, muffler repair, furniture, pornography, music, etc. And it is certainly true that there are people working there who would have a hard time finding a job elsewhere.

That's what I've seen, at least, but it's hard to sort it all out.

by asdf on Wed Jan 25th, 2006 at 11:00:37 PM EST
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