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But the deforestation argument doesn't really hold for Europe.

Ok, the thing is Jérôme replied to my comment on Germany in an all-organic world at current consumption levels, in which case it's unambiguous that deforestation would be necessary. So this is what I repeated.

But overall, you're right, deforestation in Europe doesn't hold. Then again, this all depends on what's been going on over the past century.

Meat production has gone up, crop production has gone up, housings have multiplied (the population has gone up), yet the forest surface has also gone up ... how did we pull this off in Europe?

Well naturally because progresses have been made in production levels, mainly through the use of better (stronger) fertilizers. Thus I don't think it's fair to say that deforestation is not an issue in Europe. It simply may not have been an issue so far because of the humongous progresses made since WWII in the oil-fertilizer department. Take that away (soon ...) and bam, we'll be just like third-world countries (which à priori do not use/afford as much fertilizer as we do) ...

by Alex in Toulouse on Thu Jan 26th, 2006 at 12:04:20 PM EST
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