Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Here's another entry from the Railroad Capital of the World.

Claude Monet, "Arrival of the Normandy Train," 1877, at the Art Institute of Chicago.
Rene Magritte's "Time Transfixed" is in another gallery.

Readers might also want to look at Edward Hopper's "Night Hawks, which is one of the few paintings I know of to be turned into a model railroad scene.  (The late John Armstrong modelled it in his O Scale Canandaigua Southern.)

I've been tempted to do a setting of the most famous North American painting, "American Gothic," for the Iowa-based Fox Valley O Scalers layout.

Stephen Karlson ATTITUDE is a nine letter word. BOATSPEED.
by SHKarlson (shkarlson at frontier dot com) on Mon Jan 9th, 2006 at 03:35:02 PM EST

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