Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Writing from Italy, which together with France spearheaded the drive for European troops under UN mandate (and NOT under NATO i.e. US command!) to provide a peacekeeping buffer force in Lebanon, I'd like to note that around here there was enormous support for this operation even/especially from the normally pacifist leftwing parties, as the reason for sending in these troops was seen NOT as "securitizing Israel" but as the only way of defending Lebanese sovereignty -  to STOP Israel's murderous bombing and invasion of "our Mediterranean neighbour" Lebanon, which was pleading desperately for European and Muslim forces to save it from further bombings and yet another Israeli invasion!

"Ignoring moralities is always undesirable, but doing so systematically is really worrisome." Mohammed Khatami
by eternalcityblues (parvati_roma aaaat libero.it) on Thu Nov 2nd, 2006 at 09:54:27 AM EST
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