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Putin does not come up, primarily because he personally is not threatened at all by Politkovskaya.

I did monitor carefully the Russian news the days after the assassination, I wanted to know how long it would take Putin to react. It took him a few days, until he just couldn't ignore it any more.

Why doesn't he just go get whomever is involved ? Wouldn't he have a lot to gain from appearing as restoring order and a semblance of justice in Russia ? Why does he never brings those thugs to justice ?

So I wouldn't bet he is a white knight there. He just has too tight a control on things there to be totally ignorant of what went on.

by balbuz on Mon Nov 20th, 2006 at 10:12:09 AM EST
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He just has too tight a control on things there to be totally ignorant of what went on.

Popular meme, but unfortunately, not supported by the facts. Russia is governed by the consensus of elites trying not to piss off the population much. Murder of an American journalist (sorry) troubles neither.

by blackhawk on Tue Nov 21st, 2006 at 08:41:07 AM EST
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