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Organized crime never writes up hit lists. They just do the job, the less said the better.

Guzzanti is already under escort for alleged threats. Why anyone would ever remotely considering knocking off a crank who churns out preposterous conspiracy theories is curious. He's too good to be true. Comedy relief.

by de Gondi (publiobestia aaaatttthotmaildaughtusual) on Tue Nov 21st, 2006 at 05:53:51 PM EST
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Unless he double-crossed the Camorra???

"Ignoring moralities is always undesirable, but doing so systematically is really worrisome." Mohammed Khatami
by eternalcityblues (parvati_roma aaaat libero.it) on Tue Nov 21st, 2006 at 07:01:32 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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