Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
"Rough noisy and boastful" = standard-brutish "miles gloriosus" type - whereas Scaramella reveals an innate trace of caramel.  

Later on (18th cent.) - "caramella" came to mean lorgnette:  

Which gives us Scaramella the quintessentially phony "miles gloriosus" conman-spy... who'd run a mile from a real battle, vastly prefers snooping around in fine kid boots and lace ruffles, especially at gala evenings where he can oogle the ladies through his eyeglass/spyglass?

"Ignoring moralities is always undesirable, but doing so systematically is really worrisome." Mohammed Khatami

by eternalcityblues (parvati_roma aaaat libero.it) on Wed Nov 22nd, 2006 at 09:53:05 AM EST
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