Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Since the possibility of the CIA and MI5 bconnection was mentioned in this discussion the following can be relevant.

  1. Lugovoi is reported to be a security man for Badri Patarkatsishvili, Georgian oligarch and long time associate of Berezovsky.  Badri's "advisor" Audrius Butkevicius, former  Lithunian minister of defense and convictedfelon, was reported to organize the "revolution of the roses" in Georgia in close contact with KBR Halliburton...

  2. According to Goldfarb's own account of his rescue of Litvinenko from Turkey, Goldfarb has links to the CIA and the State Department.  This is confirmed by the Russian investigative journalist Oleg Sultanov, who a couple of years ago penetrated Berezovsky's cabal by letting himself be "recruited" by Berezovsky's people and moved to France.  In Sultanov's words, it is Goldfarb, specialist in organic chemistry, rather than Berezovsky who is the prime mover of this group.  
by snowback on Sat Nov 25th, 2006 at 09:01:39 PM EST

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