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Oh my!  What a read!  I remember reading that first time round, but like many diaries it was just as enjoyable the second time, and enlightening in different ways.  Barbara!  Read it and weep!

Well, all I can say is, of all the muppets, here's who I'm closest to.

Unlike most of the central Muppets characters, Gonzo is not meant to represent a human being or an anthropomorphized animal, but sports a bizarre, non-human appearance, which includes blue fur, bug-eyes, and a long, literally hook-like nose, thought to be inspired by the acorn weevil. On The Muppet Show he performed as a performance artist, stuntman and daredevil under the name "The Great Gonzo" (or "Gonzo the Great"). He takes pride in his iconoclasm, all the while romantically pursuing Camilla the chicken. In his original performance, he often complained about the people who did not appreciate his "art".

Famous quotes by The Great Gonzo.

"I shall now eat a rubber tire to the music of The Flight of the Bumblebee...music, maestro!"

"I shall now defuse this highly explosive bomb while simultaneously, and at the same time, reciting from the works of Percy Bysshe Shelley."

and finally (and apparently this is his motto):

"Anything worth doing is worth doing without a parachute!"

But hold on!  Music.  Incomprehensible mutterings and grumblings....  Strange suddenly crazed eyes.  Makesa no sense.  Of course!  I'm no suave gonzo...I'm too dim...too ughy pug ooh groo grunt...No, say it ain't so boss...But then, on t'other hand, the passion, the, well, the animal intensity.  Yes!  

(Or maybe I'm Beaker, no, ah yes, heh heh, I think he would be Sam the Eagle, and he's definitely Sgt. Floyd Pepper, heh heh, and she's Lips, and she's certainly Miss Piggy....Hiiiii YA!
 <etc.... mumble mutter mumble mutter...> ;)

Don't fight forces, use them R. Buckminster Fuller.

by rg (leopold dot lepster at google mail dot com) on Tue Nov 21st, 2006 at 10:44:17 AM EST
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