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with his appointments of unqualified but faithful people for top jobs, I'd vote for at least partially mad

nepotism, or empire building, are not de facto grounds for a diagnosis of madness... though perhaps they should be (ah, if only I got to write the DSM).  on this issue the US regime is in a very weak position for commenting on the blackness of the other guy's kettle -- given BushCo's consistent track record of stuffing high positions with incompetents, ideologues and sycophants.  if the Iranian premiere's nepotistic or grace&favour tendencies are evidence of madness and an incapacity to handle nuclear arms wisely, the same should be said of BushCo, no?

The difference between theory and practise in practise ...

by DeAnander (de_at_daclarke_dot_org) on Fri Feb 17th, 2006 at 08:19:44 PM EST
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