Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I hope that is true and that you're having a great time.

I did some organizing, for myself, of the above thoughts, and at the risk of being presumptious, thought this might be helpful to you and others.  My objective was to pick out some thematic themes that develop in the above comments, and group them.

First there were a number of great discussions that focused on whether or not the Iranians are developing a nuclear weapon, and then evolved into some outstanding discussion of the science (outstanding to my admittedly feeble scientific mind, anyway):

What is the problem?  There's not a shred of evidence that the Iranians are developing weapons.

Yes there is a problem and it's likely the iranians are developing nuclear weapons

The Science Angle:  a great technical discussion on the challenge Iraq has in getting Nukes

More good discussion of the science

There was also discussion about the politics in Iran,,,focused somewhat on the interplay between religious zealotry, who really runs the country, and the political system.
Players:Iran  the initial comment by Colman led to a discussion of the risk of religious zealotry and the threatening statements by Iranian leaders
Then there were dialogues about the intentions of the players.
The Americans are setting this whole thing up again, just like they did in Iraq.

The intelligence and the facts are being fixed around the policy

Players:Europe   discussion of Europe motives; assertion that it's all US driven, and some denial of that

And then throughout the thread there were some good attempts at summary, or at solutions, one of which follows:
Let them tool up
I hope this is helpful.
by wchurchill on Sun Feb 19th, 2006 at 01:37:19 PM EST

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