Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Personally, I think the EU is not paying any attention to Darfur.

That was my general impression but not being on the ground I wasn't sure if that was correct or not. Is there anything one can do about it?

In searching the French papers I didn't find much mention of Darfur recently except for a Le Monde wire service story about the Human Rights Watch report and an article in Libreration on Hassan al-Tourabi and his role in Sudan. Does that seem to be the pattern throughout Europe? If the topic is nowhere in the press the pressure for it to be on the political radar is also low, I would imagine.

I'm no expert on the Darfur situation and, from what I understand the tensions have a long 20 year history with a sharp rise in violence since 2003 and, according to the Le Monde article, between 180 000 et 300 000 deaths depending on estimates along with two million displaced persons, several tens of thousands of whom took refuge in the eastern of Chad.

Doctors without Borders, a humanitarian organization which has worked in the Darfour region for many years now, provides their recent perspective on their web site with an article on Darfur, Sudan: 'The chronic insecurity has led us to redefine and step up our activities' and Chad - 'Everyday brings one or more wounded to Adré Hospital'. I'll be interested to hear what the Medecin du Monde perpesctive is on RFI this saturday. The broadcasts get archived so anyone with the computer capacity can listen to the interview by going here after the Saturday broadcast.

by Alexandra in WMass (alexandra_wmass[a|t]yahoo[d|o|t]fr) on Thu Feb 23rd, 2006 at 11:44:12 AM EST
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