Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Here's the capitalism poll they cite:

They do admit:

In March, the Paris bourse soared to its highest level since 2001. Latest financial results show record profits for the country's top 40 companies in 2005, up 50% on 2004. Last year, French companies were the world's third-biggest source of global cross-border takeovers. From banking to telecoms, cosmetics to glassmaking, corporate France is in expansionist mood, gleefully striding into new markets, trampling over competitors and exploiting the globalised economy.


France is less unionised than America, and very few days are lost to strikes.

The article goes on to distinguish between the grandes ecoles whose graduates walk into highly protected jobs, and the majority of students who get short-term contracts - or chomage.  It is the latter group that is protesting, because the CPE does nothing to grant them access to the upper-tier grande ecole positions.

by tyronen on Fri Mar 31st, 2006 at 12:17:46 PM EST

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