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You reason along the same lines as Hawking, who has three "arrows of time":
  • one in quantum physics (which is somewhat reversible in the limit of the CPT symmetries, and so not entirely an "arrow" in the sense of time passing for humans, quantum physics only implies that the time dimension has no cycles, or other topological absurdities - it may still have ends),
  • one in entropy for large systems (which is the one lagerly irreversible on the timescale of "short lived" phenomena like human lifetime),
  • and one in the mind of man, which aligns in direction with the former because the mind is an "Entropy Pump", pumping entropy out of us, and information in, as long as we live.

This explanation is the one that has made the most sense to me.

by Pierre on Mon May 29th, 2006 at 06:49:02 AM EST
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Not to dis Hawking pactually, yes ;-P ], but a more definitive work on the arrow of time is Zeh's The Physical Basis of The Direction of Time.

A society committed to the notion that government is always bad will have bad government. And it doesn't have to be that way. — Paul Krugman
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Tue May 30th, 2006 at 04:50:01 AM EST
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