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So there is silent toleration between Luzhkov and Putin at present, I take?

Shoygu (Minister of Emergency Situations) 18%

The one I didn't knew is second most trusted... But I take he is a lightweight, no chance of nomination for President?

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Wed May 10th, 2006 at 07:00:19 AM EST
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Yes, Luzhkov was planning on being president, but Putin got ahead of him.

For Shoygu, his dislikes from the same poll are at zero. Only Tuleev also has zero negative rating.

He is not involved in politics, and for the last 15 years, under Yeltsin and Putin, was running Ministry of Emergency Situations (includes Civil Defense). When something happens, he comes to the rescue and generally gets lots of good PR.

At the same time his ministry has lots of resources and money: reconstruction contracts, land and bomb shelters from the Soviet times across all the Russia, lots of even heavy weaponry, etc.

I don't think anyone knows for sure what his ministry's budget is, but it is rumoured to be bigger and more secretive than Ministry's of Defence.

I just don't know what his plans are for 2008 and if he  is content with his little empire.

by blackhawk on Wed May 10th, 2006 at 08:11:20 AM EST
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