Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I'm not an energy person, my background is in media, but my reading on the subject is that nuclear is a competitive source of electricity, emits no CO2, only two major accidents in the history of the industry and neither in a western democracy with a history of an effective and transparent regulatory and safety regime.

For those who think nuclear is less safe than the alternatives, all I can guess is there are no coal miners in their family tree, or they don't live near a refinery or a gas pipeline.

Many Americans understandably have a phobia about nuclear and I sympathize, since you need to provide stringent safeguards and a regulatory framework around which to build an industry which is safest when standardized. This takes a certain aptitude for the collective which America patently is hopeless at. European countries (other than Belgium and France) have no such excuse except maybe the UK which shares America's economic ideological fetishes to some extent.

But just because it doesn't work in America anymore doesn't mean it shouldn't be a part of our energy future in the West, in much the same way just because gay marriage won't work in Saudi Arabia doesn't mean it isn't an idea whose time has come for advanced Western social democracies.

Sorry I got off topic but that's the pastis and then dinner talking, great game, great game.

The Hun is always either at your throat or at your feet. Winston Churchill

by r------ on Tue Jun 27th, 2006 at 10:36:09 PM EST
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