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"We don't do body counts"

Haaretz: Army set to call up thousands of reservists; IAF planes pound Lebanon's main road link to Syria (21/07/2006)

GOC Northern Command Major General Udi Adam said Friday that Israel is at war and that human life is important, but now is not the time to count the dead.

The Northern Command believes that the fighting in the north will continue for several more weeks, with additional casualties and fatalities.

"We must change our way of thinking. Human life is important, but we are at war, and it costs human lives. We won't count the dead at present, only at the end. We'll cry for the dead and will encourage the fighters. There are more places like Meron A-Ras, and unfortunately we'll have to reach them."

It is rather clear that, in the "global war for hearts and minds", Israel and the US think they speak to exactly the same people, because they use the same rhetorical devices.

Nothing is 'mere'. — Richard P. Feynman
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Fri Jul 21st, 2006 at 12:01:26 PM EST


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