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The Independent:

Moratorium on new soya crops wins reprieve for rainforest

 The Amazon rainforest has won a temporary reprieve from an invasion by soya farmers, after Brazil's major traders in the bean agreed to a two-year moratorium on crops from newly deforested land.

In recent years soya has overtaken illegal logging and ranching as the main engine of deforestation in the biggest and most important rainforest on the planet.

John Sauven, a campaign director at Greenpeace, said: "This is an important step as this is the first time we've had the multinationals and the Brazilians sit down and talk about environmental issues. But it will only prove to be a major breakthrough if real action is taken on the ground."

by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Wed Jul 26th, 2006 at 02:11:09 AM EST

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