Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
P.S. See Aug 2nd Christian Science Monitor article by Sara Miller Llana titled : "Obrador Takes Risks With Mexico Protests" at www.topix.net for further examples of U.S. Govt. "propaganda."

I can swear there ain't no heaven but I pray there ain't no hell. _ Blood Sweat & Tears
by Gringo (stargazing camel at aoldotcom) on Wed Aug 2nd, 2006 at 11:48:34 AM EST
I tried to check out this article ("Obrador Takes Risks With Mexico Protests by Llana) but couldn't locate it...got a direct link by chance?

The only article I found was by Reuters...they have a distinctively pro-biz orientation...

"Once in awhile we get shown the light, in the strangest of places, if we look at it right" - Hunter/Garcia

by whataboutbob on Wed Aug 2nd, 2006 at 12:04:22 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Try http://www.topix.net/content/csm/0351841985095628649012464349433511784403

I also went to the CS Monitor Page and althought the article is listed, I couldn't get it to come up there.

I can swear there ain't no heaven but I pray there ain't no hell. _ Blood Sweat & Tears

by Gringo (stargazing camel at aoldotcom) on Wed Aug 2nd, 2006 at 12:28:07 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Thanks, I was able to get there. It will be interesting to see how this evolves...

"Once in awhile we get shown the light, in the strangest of places, if we look at it right" - Hunter/Garcia
by whataboutbob on Wed Aug 2nd, 2006 at 03:33:56 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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