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Well, yes, but the GP does take those three objectives as its sound-bite basis (the title of the GP is A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive, and Secure Energy).

I just looked at the French version of the GP, and the meaning of "balancing" (if it means anything!) obviously gave the translator a problem, since at one point it's translated as trouvant l'équilibre (finding the balance, which suggests work to do assigning relative importance to the parts), at another assurant l'équilibre, (ensuring the balance, which suggests it's been found).

The French version of the GP is well-written and competent. The fr questionnaire may have been done by a native speaker, but I doubt it. Surely not by a professional translator, and not even by someone conversant with the GP, from which whole expressions could have been profitably lifted.

I get (more and more) the impression of a cheap PR operation overseen by ideological kommissars.

by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Wed Aug 2nd, 2006 at 04:35:26 AM EST
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