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I mean, it's all fine to accept faits accoplis and deploy an interposition force even on the premise that by doing so we can stop Israeli aggression.

But, really, isn't Israel going to be punished for this>
Haaretz: Oil spilled from IAF bombed power plant pollutes Lebanon's coast (29/07/2006)

A south Lebanon power plant that was knocked down by Israel Air Force planes some two weeks ago caused a massive oil spill along the Beirut's coast.

Lebanon has made an urgent request to the UN in recent days for assistance in the ecological crisis.

Fishermen say hundreds of oil-coated fish have been washed ashore in what is the country's worst ever environmental disaster.


The plant was in flames after it was hit in IAF air raids, cutting off electricity to many areas in the capital and south Lebanon.


Ariss said it appeared other factors also contributed to the environmental disaster - a leak from an Egyptian commercial boat that was apparently hit by a Hezbollah missile off Beirut, another leak from an Israeli gunboat also hit by Hezbollah, as well as effluent from a cement factory in northern Lebanon that was attacked by Israeli forces.

"It's a little bit more than speculation. There are targets we knew contained oil and spilled; they received direct hits, some of them burned," he said.

What in the world was the justification for bombing a power plant? What was Israel's excuse? And they bombed a cement factory which also spilled in to the sea. A cement factory in northern Lebanon? I mean, I can understand wanting to cut power to Southern Lebanon.

Never mind Lebanon, this is the Mediterranean's worst ever environmental disaster.

Is Israel going to pay for this stuff? Not if the UK and Germany can avoid it.

Nothing is 'mere'. — Richard P. Feynman

by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Wed Aug 2nd, 2006 at 05:05:06 AM EST
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