Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
There is lot of rhetoric, mostly in America but also in Europe, that Bush is responsible for all these problems.  He's responsible for the current escalation of fear and violence, but colonialism, racism, fundamentalist religion, oil, oil dependance, tyranical regimes in the Middle East all existed before he came along.  

We had all the ingredients for a bomb.  He just decided to use it.  

We need to get rid of Bush, America needs to pull out of its wars and stop this insanity.  But better yet to reform our lifestyles, to acknowledge our past mistakes and try to level the playing field for those we've abuse, to stop our double standards, etc. so that we don't have a bomb sitting around waiting for a nutjob to come along and use it.  And to do this, we, in my humble opinion, need to stop giving religious fundies, on both sides, immunity from responsibility, we need to hold everyone equally accountable for their actions, not just Bush, but those who actively incite hate, and I'm not talking about cartoons but about teaching kids how to make bombs, those who deny having played a role in this, whether by being addicted to resources in the Middle East or by having gone in and fucked things up and left without compensation, or by just sitting by and watching the clock tick and not doing anything to prevent a crisis and then when a crisis happens running around like chickens with their heads cut off, and we must must must provide opportunies to all children to given them better choices in life than to be a terrorist or joining the army.  Sure the idiots calling the shots had good opportunities, but we need to stop their ability to recruit.

That's the only way to end that cycle of violence.

And basically stop treating people like dirt, if we want them to stop wanting to kill us.  

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. -Voltaire

by p------- on Thu Sep 14th, 2006 at 12:10:51 PM EST
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