Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Funny how almost all discussion of US policies usually come up with their  "but France was just as bad" episode...

Because the majority of the Europeans on this site urge Europe to break with the Atlanticist tradition in favour of a European foreign policy that seeks to contain the US. You do so on moral grounds.  Among the EU states that seem sympathetic to this approach the most important is France. Yet on purely moral grounds France is just as bad as the US, albeit with less power - for both better and worse. So us Atlanticists, on both sides of the ocean, call bullshit. Your position may be justified on realpolitik grounds, though I'd disagree, but at least there's a decent argument there.  So we'll stop bringing   up France when you stop saying that the alliance with the US is bad because the US policies are immoral. Deal?

by MarekNYC on Thu Sep 14th, 2006 at 02:08:38 PM EST
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