Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
"the US is still the most powerful country, and so it mostly sets the international agenda."

Only because the EU and others can't organize themselves very well.

If the US is so stupid as Colman claims, the EU should be able to get more international support for its policies and be considered a global player and an important power broker, deal breaker, conflict solver, and security, investment etc provider, who sets the international agenda.

Re: Iran: I agree to a large extent, but the EU-3 is also supposed to mediate between Iran and the US/Israel. So far the mediator wasn't successful.
The "success" of stalling so far isn't really the result of great EU-3 work, but based on the fact that the US does not have the ressources to attack Iran anytime soon.

by Joerg in Berlin ((joerg.wolf [AT] atlanticreview.org)) on Fri Sep 15th, 2006 at 11:59:20 AM EST
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