Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Thank you. The point you quote is indeed very important.
It is the basis of the current attack on our "world" (not only physical, but of ideas). I will write a diary some day about it, with graphics.

Notice that there is a blind spot on the general discussion of modern fundamentalism which should be addressed. there is christian fundamentalism in the US which has some important similarities with Islamic fundamentalism, namely the subordination of women to their husbands, such as their acceptance of aggressive sexuality - better known as abuse. See Manuel Castells' masterpiece "The Information age: economy, society and culture"; Volume 2 - "The Power of Identity". (main meme:  the network society); can't remember the chapter.

Sorry for the delay in noticing your comment. my reply comes too late, I guess.

by findmeaDoorIntoSummer on Sat Sep 16th, 2006 at 07:12:05 AM EST
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